Monday, April 27, 2009

Public Information Model

Public Information is one of the four models of Public Relations. The main objective of this model is its intent to inform its audience rather than to push for more publicity or promote its message and products. Public Information is often for nonprofit organizations, along with governmental and educational institutions. This model strives to provide information, which may not be fully researched, but that interests the public and grabs at their attention. A main characteristic of the Public Information Model is its one-way communication.

The Product (RED) Blog is a perfect public relations use of the public information model. It fulfills the requirements of informing the audience, provides interesting facts and links, but doesn’t give the opportunity for feedback from the public.

The Product (RED) Blog is updated almost daily and has drawn nearly 520,000 visitors since May 2006. The main purpose of the blog is to provide detailed updates about the campaign through posts.

Some examples of Product (RED) Blog posts are:
-“Saluting Sylvia”: The story of a HIV positive woman in Swaziland who has received grant funds from Global Fund.
-“New Gap (Product) Red Tees Available”: Represents how (RED) products are working towards the cause.
-“Millions of people alive today thanks to programs financed by the Global Fund”: Shows the difference made by the campaign and how the public can help.

Some of the posts provide videos that show people getting involved and promoting their support for the (RED) campaign.

The blog also offers multiple links to important, related sites:
- Product (RED) websites
- Global Health Fund
- (RED) Facebook
- (RED) Myspace
-Includes links to all the Product (RED) websites.

The Product (RED) Blog is a great source of information for the public to turn to for updates and related organizations, but there is no opportunity for the audience to contribute input and ask questions. (RED) Facebook, myspace, and twitter are the websites for audience interaction and participation, which would lead to the two-way symmetrical model.

Active bloggers and Product (RED) supporters can count on the (RED) blog as their main source of information and updates on the organizations progress. The blog continues to advance and the number of viewers will continue to as well.

Click here to check out the Product (RED) blog.

Written by Ashlea Holcomb

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