Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and Gratifications Theory states that people are active users of media and select how they will use it. For example, one person may choose to get their daily news from the newspaper, while others will find news sources on the internet or television.

Product (RED) partners with a wide array of companies, including Starbucks, Dell, Gap, and Converse. (RED) also uses many different forms of media,such as Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and Myspace. This insures that (RED) is reaching a diverse audience.

  • Facebook has many (RED) "profiles".

  • From Starbucks to skateboards(RED) is targeting many audiences.

Product (RED) is PARTNE(RED) with nine different brands to reach one aim: A global fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
The top nine brand
s urging consumers to "DO THE (RED) THING" for the campaign are:

  • Apple
  • Dell
  • Converse
  • Starbucks
  • Windows
  • Hallmark
  • Emporio Armani
  • Gap
  • American Express
For further information visit thewebsite.

To get further information about the '(RED) idea', the (RED) website provides recent news updates and links to their blog.

When it comes to Public Relations it is (RED)'s job to reach as many audiences and provide information in as many ways possible that can be easily accessible for supporters and consumers.
For example, (RED) has over 25 different Facebook profiles/groups created by various creators, each having 30-1,500 members. The (RED) Blog, for instance, has had over 514,400 visitors since
May 17, 2006.

Written by Kristen Hedges

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